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Spectrum Theatre, Sheffield is ...

... a theatre group, formed in 2016. Together, its members have a range of experience of the autistic spectrum and of theatre work. It’s ‘integrated’ – some members are on the spectrum, some aren’t, some are younger, some are older, some very experienced in theatre, some less so. It’s a charitable organisation – all its members are volunteers.​

From an original group of 10, we now have over 40 members.The balance of members in terms of those diagnosed on the spectrum and those not remains at 50/50.

If you are interested in joining us - see the Contact section.​ We are keen to work with others. 

In the past we have

  • worked with Brantwood  Specialist  School;

  • collaborated with Sparkle Sheffield;

  • hosted three groups of students from Sheffield Medical School on their Social Accountability Unit of work;

  • Performed twice as part of the Nether Edge Festival

  • recruited members from SAPAG (Sheffield Aspergers Parent Action Group);

  • provided a workshop in Mosborough Primary School;

  • provided a staff training evening for two Sheffield Secondary Academies;

  • raised £3000 for Sheffield charities HARC and Roundabout. 


If you'd like to talk to us about some sort of collaboration, please contact us.

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